Sunday, September 15, 2013

Entrevista de Niños.. Elemento fuego

La entrevista inicial a los padres es un momento muy importante en el jardín. Se realiza al comienzo de clases y en algunos casos antes de comenzar el ciclo lectivo.
Es más que un intercambio de preguntas y respuestas, de charlas personales e individuales entre el docente y los padres del niño. Las entrevistas son parte importante en la elaboración de la estrategia del trabajo en el aula.

Debemos tratar de estar calmados y relajados, seguros de lo que vamos a preguntar, no preparar preguntas que puedan llegar a incomodar a los padres, que por lo general asisten a esta reunión ansiosos y con muchas expectativas. El objetivo de la entrevista es tratar de conocer a la familia del niño, cómo está compuesta, sus vínculos, si tiene alguna dificultad emocional o algún otro tipo de problemas.

Mira este video de como los niños puden curar en con una sonrisa.. 
Niños Medicos

ver video

Con los niños no todo es sonrisas y alegrias, tambien tenemos historias tristes.. para reflexionar.. 

Estoy trabajando en fuerte en este area.. espero terminar este proyecto como lo planee en el tiempo estimado y les guste.. 

Monday, October 08, 2012

Killing our friends.

We are killing our friends "The Animals", Wild, Rare, Extraordinary and Exotic Earth, Air and Water, although there are others that are not so peculiar eventually became single or with a tendency to disappear completely. There are a variety of causes that can contribute directly or indirectly to the extinction of a species or group of species. It is estimated that about 99.9% of all species that ever existed are now extinct.

The Tarsier have eyes dámetro 16 millimeters, as big as its brain.

Animals are becoming extinct for various reasons, where the fastest weapon that threatens the life and survival of these friends is the man, before the dispersion of humans across the planet, extinction generally occurred continuously low level, and mass extinctions were relatively rare events. But about 100,000 years ago, and coincided with the increase in population and the geographic distribution of human extinctions have increased to levels not seen since before the mass extinction of the Cretaceous-Tertiary man through:
Furtive hunting or sport, or just to have some of these animals as skins, or horns, that ended up being a coat, an ornament, a trophy on the wall or just a sad pride kill an animal.
His species is threatened by habitat loss result of industrialization and "civilization", which ocaciona that any species unable to survive or reproduce in its environment, nor can move to another new environment which itself is capable of do these things, dies and is extinguished.
The Indian Gharial a critically endangered species. It is one of the longest reaching crocodiles measuring more than 20 feet (6 meters)
Natural causes or where the man does not influence or Predation, competition and disease

genetic contamination

degradacion del habitat